Difference Between Indica and Sativa

Difference Between Indica and Sativa

Indica and Sativa are two types of cannabis that are used for medicinal purposes. Scientifically, there are no differences between Sativa and Indica and all the cannabis irrespective of their variety are considered as Cannabis Sativa L. However, there definitely are several differences in their qualities, growth patterns and effects. Keep reading to learn more …

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difference between thunder and lightning

Difference between Thunder and Lightning

Are you looking for the difference between thunder and lightning? Look the article below to get your answer. Thunder and lightning are two natural phenomena that are interrelated events which generate electricity. The main difference between thunder and lightning is that lightning is electromagnetic energy and thunder is sonic energy. Read the below information in …

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Difference between Knowledge and Wisdom

Difference between Knowledge and Wisdom

Are you interested to know about the difference between Knowledge and Wisdom? Look our article to get the answer to your questions. Many people use these words interchangeably but they have different meanings. Knowledge is the accumulation of information while wisdom is using your knowledge for the benefit of others. To understand Knowledge and Wisdom …

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Difference between Kinetic and Potential energy

Difference between Kinetic and Potential energy

If you are not sure about the difference between Kinetic and potential energy and want to know in detail, look the article below. Kinetic energy is the energy which an object contains because of a particular motion. Potential energy is the stored energy, because of its state of rest. Both the forms of energy are …

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