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Difference between Knowledge and Wisdom

Difference between Knowledge and Wisdom

Are you interested to know about the difference between Knowledge and Wisdom? Look our article to get the answer to your questions.

Many people use these words interchangeably but they have different meanings. Knowledge is the accumulation of information while wisdom is using your knowledge for the benefit of others.

To understand Knowledge and Wisdom deeply, we are explaining both the terms individually below. Have a look.


Knowledge is the collection of information, fact, awareness, theoretical or practical knowledge of something and skills acquired through experiences or educations. It’s been said that knowledge is power.

Knowledge is the condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experiences. Knowledge is organized information. It is the essence of learning, observing, researching, studying; discussing etc.

Knowledge is the familiarity with different objects, ways of doing things, places, cultures, events, facts, ideas, religion, realities of the things etc.


Wisdom is the ability to make correct and accurate decisions and judgments. Wisdom is the quality of the person to think, act or discern what is best, right, true and enduring.

Unlike knowledge, wisdom is not acquired by collecting information, facts, idea. It is rather a state of mind to perceive things accurately and to judge and make beneficial and productive decisions in life.

Wisdom is that which teaches us how and when to speak and what. It is the ability to know and apply the spiritual truths.


Now have a look at the difference between Knowledge and Wisdom.


Knowledge is the collection of information while wisdom is using your knowledge for the benefit of others.

What is it?

Knowledge is the organized information while wisdom is applied knowledge.


Knowledge is learned while wisdom is not learned or obtained but developed or intuitions.

Associated with

Knowledge is associated with the mind while wisdom is associated with the soul.