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difference between heterozygous and homozygous individuals

Difference between Heterozygous and Homozygous Individuals

If you want to know the Difference between Heterozygous and Homozygous Individuals then you are the correct place. We will guide you the key information about these terms in our article.

Heterozygous are the individuals who carry different alleles while homozygous individuals are which bear same or identical alleles. Homozygous can carry either dominant or recessive alleles but not both but heterozygous can carry both dominant and recessive alleles.

To understand the terms better it is important to learn the terms in detail.

Heterozygous Individuals

If the diploid organisms carry two copies of each gene, which can be different are called heterozygous individuals for example Rr. It brings dissimilar individuals, which means heterozygous individuals produce offspring with a different genotype. Heterozygous individuals produce two types of gametes.

Heterozygous individuals are of three types- Complete dominance, incomplete dominance, and codominance.  Heterozygous individuals have both dominant and recessive alleles and the individual can show extra vigour called Hybrid vigour or heterosis. Self-breeding produces a combination of the different trait.

Homozygous Individuals

If the diploid organisms carry two copies of each gene, they are identical alleles and are called homozygous individuals, for example, RR, rr. It brings similar individuals which mean it is pure for a trait and breeds true. The homozygous individual can either carry dominant or recessive but not both.

Homozygous individuals are of two types homozygous Dominant and homozygous Recessive. The homozygous individual can produce one type of gametes. It does not show extra vigour. Self-breeding produces the same trait over generations.

Now learn the difference between heterozygous and homozygous individuals which will clear all your doubts.

Results in

Heterozygous brings dissimilar individuals, which means heterozygous individuals produce offspring with different genotype while homozygous brings similar individuals which mean it is pure for a trait and breeds true.

It carries

Heterozygous carries dissimilar alleles while homozygous carries similar alleles.


Heterozygous has both one dominant and one recessive allele while homozygous has either dominant or recessive allele but not both at a time.


Heterozygous individuals are of three types- Complete dominance, incomplete dominance, and codominance while Homozygous individuals are of two types- homozygous Dominant and homozygous Recessive.