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Difference between Dementia and Alzheimer's

Difference between Dementia and Alzheimer’s

If you are curious to know about Dementia and Alzheimer, you are at correct place. We will give you detailed knowledge about these terms in our given article.

Dementia is a situation when an individual is dealing with a set of unhealthy symptoms that affect the brain. It is a neurological condition which involves some form of serious mental impairment, such as memory loss, confusion, and personality changes. However, Alzheimer’s is a specific brain disease.

It is important to know the both terms separately and deeply for better understanding. Let’s have a look below!!

What is Dementia?

Dementia is not a disease but is a neurological condition in which a person is dealing with a set of unhealthy symptoms which affect the brain. In this situation it becomes difficult to recall names and faces. Obvious signs of dementia include repetitious questioning, inadequate hygiene, and poor decision-making.

Dementia is a term that is often associated with the cognitive decline of aging. The most common symptom is memory difficulty. More difficulties include problem solving, face recognition, identification, judgment, attention, and many more. Dementia is caused by damage to brain cells.

What is Alzheimer?

Alzheimer is a brain disease which is named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer. Dr. Alzheimer, in 1906 discovered changes in the brain tissue of a woman who died from an abnormal mental illness. Alzheimer is now considered as a brain disease which causes dementia.

This disease progress slowly and causes impairment in memory and cognitive function. Alzheimer slowly damages the brain after the detection of symptoms. The diagnosis can only be confirmed when the brain is examined under a microscope during an autopsy.

The terms are differentiated below for good knowledge.


Percentage of dementia increases with the increasing age. It is found 2% of those aged 65-69, 5% of those aged 75-79, and over 20% of those aged 85-90 experiencing symptoms while Chance of developing Alzheimer’s doubles every five years from age 65 to 85.


Dementia can be caused by a variety of illnesses, some are treatable but others like Alzheimer’s not. Age is not the cause of dementia, but rather correlated with it whereas the cause of Alzheimer-related dementia is not known at this time, though hypotheses do exist.


Treatment of dementia depends on the cause; it may be treated by changing medication dosage or taking a supplement while treatment of Alzheimer focuses on slowing the disease’s progression through medication, consistent daily routines, cognitive therapy puzzles, or simple physical exercises etc.


Dementia and Alzheimer cannot be prevented. Taking healthy food, regular exercises, medication, staying social may help to prevent these.