Comparison of RAM vs ROM | Difference Between

In today’s article, we will find the difference between RAM and ROM. The main difference between RAM vs ROM is that, ROM is basically a form of non-volatile memory, which means it retains all its memory even if you shut down your computer. On the other hand, RAM is considered as volatile memory. It can only hold the data as long as your computer is up and in running condition. You hear these terms on daily basis but RAM is most commonly used in our daily life. You would have heard their purposes and even know a little about them as well. But a lot of people don’t even know the “difference between RAM and ROM” and wouldn’t able to tell them about a bit.


RAM vs ROM Comparison

What is RAM?

RAM is often known as random access memory is a hardware element of our computers. Where all program and OS (operating systems) and data that are currently being used are stored. So that the processor can save it quickly. If you want to see your RAM you have to open your computer cabinet (computer tower) you will find the one or two chips installed in the slot of your PC motherboard. In the modern computer, motherboards come with more than one RAM slots which allows you to increase the RAM capacity to achieve the better and operational speed of your computer.

What is ROM?

ROM is often abbreviated as read-only memory and it is such a type of memory. Where data has been prerecorded and contains all programming that helps your computer to boot up. ROM retains all its contents even after you shut down your computer and this is the reason a computer can be switched on in the first place. It really fair to say for a ROM you wouldn’t be able to fire up your PC. These are the basic definitions of RAM vs ROM but as these, both are the type of memories. Both these helps in running the computer and also sound similar in some manner so people often confused between these terms. Keeping these basic definitions in mind let’s have a look some basic difference between RAM and ROM.

When we talk about these terms there are different types of RAM and ROM. Let’s have a look at different types of these hardware components.

Difference Between RAM and ROM Types

Main Types of Random Access Memory

Main Types of Read Only Memory

There are different types of ROM that we can use in our PC’s let’s have some details what are these types and what is there working as well.

These above-mentioned types are semiconductor-based ROMS. CD-ROM is also a type of our Read Only Memory.

Keeping in mind the above-mentioned definitions and types let discuss some key differences between Random Access Memory and Read Only Memory.

Difference Between RAM and ROM Specifications

Data Retention

This is the most notable difference between these two forms of memories. ROM is the form of non-volatile memory which means it retains its information even the system is turned off whereas the RAM doesn’t have such quality.

 Working Type

You can retrieve the data that is stored in the RAM but in the case of ROM, you don’t have such privileges. Data that is present in the ROM can only be read but cannot be altered or modified therefore named as read-only memory.


Information that is stored in the ROM is not easily accessible as compared to RAM. Information stored in the ROM cannot be easily altered or reprogrammed but in the case of RAM data can be accessed easily and randomly in any order from any location.


RAM is much better than ROM in terms of speed. RAM access the data much faster than ROM and RAM also boost the speed of the computer.


When we talk about the appearance of these two chips RAM is thinner than ROM and is in the rectangular shape and you will find it in the slot of the motherboard. ROM is an optical drive that is made of magnetic tapes. Random Access Memory is bigger than the Read Only Memory.

Storage Capacity

ROM in usual can’t store more than few megabytes data and 4MB ROM is quite common in these days. When we compare the ROM with RAM, RAM chip can store much more data as 16 GB’s or more to store information.

Ease of Writing

It is much easier to write data in the Random Access Memory than in Read Only Memory. You can access the data faster and in a more effective way in RAM as compare to ROM.

Both Random Access Memory and Read Only Memory have their pros and cons. The ROM is cheaper and store data permanently but has its own limitations. But the RAM quite useful than ROM but it could bring burning hole in your pocket. ROM is not so much incompetent as you think about it.

Both these hardware components have their own importance. I tried to explain these components as simpler as I can so you can get some benefit. After getting this information you can certainly impress anyone.

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